For the latest updates, check out our wiki: and our latest newsletter:
Volunteer needed: We need viral #DraftAOC content for social media platforms. Join the movement!
Liberal Democrats: This won’t disrupt your agenda The Social Democrats of America are committed to bringing a true Socialist candidate to the convention.
The Working Class deserves representation at the 2028 Democratic National Convention. Joe Biden does not represent the interests of the working class or the lower middle class. We need a candidate—and delegates—who will advocate for a platform that reflects the needs of Americans left behind by the political elite.
We are hosting introductory Zoom meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at 9 pm EST.
We are seeking Socialists, Communists, Anarchists, and Progressive activists to help build the #DraftAOC coalition. Whether you want to run or assist others in running for delegate at the 2024 Presidential Convention in Chicago, we need your support. Complete the survey at or click on your state in the map below.
Discussions are happening inside Social Democrats of America, who are hosting us. We have also sent invitations to the Communist Party USA, Social Democrats USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Our Revolutions, Indivisible, Green Party US, US Pirate Party, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Justice Democrats, Working Families Party Socialist Alternative, and we are awaiting their responses.
Please notify decision-making bodies that a group of leftist activists is actively working to convince AOC to establish an exploratory committee for a presidential run.